Understanding Surfaces
Choose the material, condition, or location of the surface you're limewashing for detailed preparation and application instructions, along with frequently asked questions.

Render is ideal for limewash, as it stays breathable and is protected by the natural properties of the paint

Brick + Block Work
Enhance the natural texture and character of interior and exterior brick surfaces with limewash paint

A smooth wall finish used in many homes and projects all over the world

Drywall + Plasterboard
These standard wall and ceiling panels offer a smooth surface for easy application with the right preparation

Mixed + Repaired Surfaces
Embrace the variation across different materials, or utilise preparation methods to achieve a more uniform finish

Already Painted With Other Paint
Using Bauwerk Prep Coat, you can limewash surfaces that have previously been painted with conventional paint

Clay, Rammed Earth, Mud Bricks + Adobe
Raw earth materials allow moisture to freely escape so walls will keep ‘breathing’ after being painted

Concrete + Concrete Bricks
Limewash paint is suitable for all new or previously unpainted absorbent concrete surfaces

Raw stone absorbs limewash paint perfectly, creating a breathable and naturally protected surface.

While limewash isn’t recommended for floors due to high usage, we do offer a natural floor sealer

Wood + Plywood
Learn which types of wood are suitable for limewash and how best to prepare these materials

Paint calico, linen and other fabrics with limewash for artwork and photographic backdrops

Limewash is suitable over wallpapered walls with the right kind of preparation

Limewashing garden pots and planters is an easy way to add colour while maintaining healthy plants

Metal is not a recommended surface for limewashing

Garden Walls
There are natural benefits to using limewash on exterior walls to create beautiful and healthy environments

Everything you need to know when limewashing your bathroom

Everything you need to know when limewashing your kitchen