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© Bauwerk Colour
© Bauwerk Colour

Lime Wash Paint Sample Pots

250ml (0.26 quart) | $18.50

BAUWERK Sample Pots contain 250ml (0.26 quart). That is enough paint for a large enough area to see the effect of the colour (about 10 to 15ft2).

Samples are also available in 1 litre (1 quart) size.

We strongly recommend to order a special limewash brush for the sample application.

When should I use a sample pot?

Apart from ordering a 250ml (0,26 quart) size for a really small project of just one square metre or so, Sample Pots are an important part of deciding a specific colour.

We recommend to order a Sample Pot if:

  • you need to decide between two very similar shades of colour
  • you want to test colour appearance on a sample panel at the project location
  • you want to establish a more accurate consumption estimate on the particular surface you are painting
  • a close colour match to another decorating item is desired
  • you do murals or similar designs where only smaller amount of a particular colour are needed
  • you just want to have fun and play with colours

You don't need a sample pot if:

  • you are already sure of the colour you want to paint
  • a slight colour variation is of lesser concern to you
  • you re-order paint that you know of from previous applications

© Bauwerk Colour
© Bauwerk Colour
© Bauwerk Colour
© Bauwerk Colour
Choosing Your Colour

BAUWERK Colours are made differently, using natural pigments, we have created a range of colours that reflect and celebrate the innate and natural beauty of pigments, which we source from all over the world.

It is a good idea to look at your colours in the location you expect to paint, colours appear different in different light conditions interior or exterior.

You can order some of our Colour Cards to make a first selection. Many customers order the paint after having selected their colour from a colour card.

However, if you need to be sure about a particular shade, or if you want to see the actual paint on a surface that is similar to that of your walls it is also possible to test the selected colours with a Sample Pot on a test panel, particularly when you need a close match to the colour you expect to see after the painting is finished.

HOW TO Apply Sample Limewash Colours
Applying Sample Limewash Colours on Previously Painted Plaster or Gypsum Board
Product Information

Lime wash paint in Sample Size of 250ml (0,26 quart).
Available for every colour we display in our Colour Lab.

Helpful Videos for Sample Pot Application

Video guide how to use sample paint and how to apply lime wash paint

View all guides
Bauwerk Colour – Limewashing Over Bauwerk Prep Coat Colour Nullarbor

Sharing our tips and techniques on how to achieve a great result limewashing inside, creating walls with texture and depth

HOW TO Limewash Paint Inside a Room in Standard Technique

Applying Limewash Interior Standard Technique

Sample Limewash Paint FAQs
Bauwerk Limewash Paint Material Safety Data Sheet