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LOGIN UPDATE: to comply with higher security features login now does no longer need a password. Instead a code will be sent to the email used for log in (or at checkout).

Welcome to Bauwerk Colour! We now offer Colour Consultations for all that cannot easily decide from their favourite lime wash colours.

For comments or questions please Contact Us or use our friendly Feedback Widget.

LOGIN UPDATE: to comply with higher security features login now does no longer need a password. Instead a code will be sent to the email used for log in (or at checkout).

Welcome to Bauwerk Colour! We now offer Colour Consultations for all that cannot easily decide from their favourite lime wash colours.

For comments or questions please Contact Us or use our friendly Feedback Widget.

Limewash Paint Application: General Questions

Essential tools, drying time and key considerations for limewash paint application

Limewash Paint FAQs