Spot Repairs on limewash paint surfaces
Q: How can I clean, remove marks, and make small repairs on limewash?
Over time your limewashed walls may require some maintenance, touching up and/or repairing. To clean limewashed walls, we recommend lightly wiping with a clean, damp cloth. Ensure that you do not scrub, use excessive water, or use any soaps on the limewash, as this will damage the surface. Do not clean your limewashed wall too soon after painting. Our paints become more durable after they have cured and hardened on the surface. Allow up to 2 weeks for your walls to properly cure.
Small Marks
Simply wipe the wall with a damp cloth. Do not scrub, as this will take the Limewash off the wall.
Stubborn Marks
Simply touch up with more Bauwerk Limewash Paint. Brush back any powdery areas and do a quick reapplication of limewash straight over previously painted layers... the surface will just get better with age.
Stains such as oil and grease, pen etc, cannot be easily patched over with Bauwerk Limewash and may require to start from the beginning again.

Q: How do I reapply limewash paint over stains on internal walls?
Application Process
Step 1 We recommend 2 coats of a water-based/acrylic undercoat- sealer/primer to ensure the limewash is evenly absorbed across the surface. This will prevent the stain from coming through.
Step 2 Apply 1 coat of Bauwerk Prep Coat. This can be sprayed, rolled or brushed.
Step 3 Apply 2 coats of Bauwerk Limewash using a Bauwerk natural fibre brush.
Our whites + light colours
These shades can be applied, and reapplied, without the need to maintain a wet edge. Areas can be re-coated at any time, without the visibility of a patch.
Our mid-tone + darker colours
Generally, anything other than our very lightest shades should be applied from a natural start to end point (corner to a corner), maintaining a wet edge to prevent visible lines.